Monday 1 September 2014

Support Deaf Girls' Education

The "age of majority" is the legal age established under state law at which an individual is no longer a minor and, as a young adult, has the right and responsibility to make certain legal choices that adults make. Thus, when people use the term age of majority, they are generally referring to when a young person reaches the age where one is considered to be an adult. In some states, child support stops when a child is 18 or graduates from high school, in others, it stops at 21 (For more information, visit Termination of Support- Age of Majority). The majority of states use 18 as the age of majority (in cases where the youth is still in high school the age of majority may extend beyond 18). States may order support while a child is in college (For more information, visit Termination of Support- College Support Beyond the Age of Majority).
An exception to the rule that parents' duty to support their children ends at the children's majority occurs when the child is disabled. In cases where the child is Deaf,disabled, mentally or physically, and therefore unable to support himself/herself upon reaching the age of majority most states have adopted the rule that parents have a duty to support their adult Deaf children. Most often, courts define "disability" in economic terms, i.e., the inability of the adult disabled child to adequately care for himself/herself by earning a living by reason of Deafness,mental or physical infirmity. States differ as to whether support for an adult disabled child is determined by the state's child support guidelines or by the needs of the child as balanced by the parents' ability to provide support.And in the same case disabled girls facing multiple discrimination due to lack of support.Let us do this by start supporting Deaf girl child and adult as to change their lives through education.


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